Thursday, July 09, 2009

new PERMANENT blog!!!!

Hello, anyone who still checks this blog, I just wanted to update everyone with my new blog. I started a business with my girlfriend last year and that's kept us completely occupied outside our day jobs. It takes so much work that we're about to hire our first official payrolled employee. You can follow what we're up to over at the following website.

We're in the middle of redesigning our online presence, sites and such, along with a million other things, so follow us on that site if you're interested. Also, I will no longer post any new personal work on this blog, I may even shut it down, or forward from here to the new one, not sure. All new work will be rolled into our company and posted on the other site, just another reason to check back with our new site from time to time.

I hope you're all doing well, sorry for the lack of keeping in touchness, we're finding our true friends understand how busy we are and don't take it personally.