Animation Reel (temporary)
Tony Cabrera Animation Reel (temporary) from Tony Cabrera on Vimeo.
I was solely responsible for the character animation on all the included clips. All the models were made available by the studio. This work was done during my time at Disney Feature Animation where I progressed from an apprentice to an animator.
1) Character animation on Rapunzel test(for cloth/hair sim purposes)
2) Character animation for TANGLED
3) Character animation for TANGLED
4) Character animation for SUPER RHINO, all except vehicles
5) Character animation for BOLT
6) Character animation for BOLT
7-11) Personal tests while at Disney Animation
I have more work that I will be allowed to include with my reel once Tangled is released. I just wanted to provide some materials at this stage to show my interest in any available opportunities at your studio. Thank you for your time.